The Most Dangerous City in Each European Country

I dug crime databases in 16 European countries and came to some surprising conclusions.

Levi Borba


Glasgow, the most dangerous city in Scotland.
This city is among the most dangerous in its country. Can you guess where it is? Image by Pirkko Seitsenpiste for Pixabay

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When people ask why I left Brazil, a warm country full of natural wonders, and moved to a cold place somewhere between central and eastern Europe, there is only one answer that raises no doubts:

To escape the violence.

I say that at the very beginning of this article to answer a possible criticism: none of these cities are really that violent when you compare them to the average city in South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, or Brazil.

Even with the drastic reduction of crime in Rio during the last decades, or with the quickly decreasing homicide rates in Sao Paulo, both cities are still more dangerous than almost all places on this list. Buenos Aires, in Argentina? Same story.

I hope no resident of Bradford, Craiova, or any other municipality gets offended, especially considering the fact that I tried to make this as objective as possible…



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