What Is the Best Day of the Week to Fly in 2023?

Hint: If you want to save money, avoid flying on Mondays and Fridays and choose this day instead.

Levi Borba
5 min readNov 14, 2022


What Is the Best Day of the Week to Fly in 2023
If you ever asked on what days of the week is it cheaper to fly, the answer is a few paragraphs away. Photo created using Canva.

Ps: Remember to check our Youtube channel, The Expat.

Years of working as a specialist at the headquarters of the world’s best airline led me to one conclusion:

Commercial strategy, Revenue Management*, IT, and the Marketing area inside airlines are all integrated to excel at one particular skill: segmenting customers.

*-Revenue Management (or RM) is a set of tools that uses data and analytics to optimize product availability and price with the ultimate goal of maximizing revenue. In other words, is the scientific method for analyzing consumer behavior in relation to product offer and price.

And here is why this matter to you: Playing with their segmentation can help you save thousands of dollars on your next trip.

I’m talking about pricing disparities that represent close to 40% of the overall cost of a ticket.

The expected consumer behavior serves as the framework for how airlines define their business strategies. Many of the models work with an important concept called Willingness to Pay.

