A Practical Guide to Survive During the Mega Inflationary Wave of 2022

The best advice from those who lived through hyperinflation in Europe, Brazil, and more.

Levi Borba
8 min readMay 24, 2022


how to survive inflation 2022
Imagem de Steve Buissinne por Pixabay

In one of my previous articles, I researched the prices of some essential food items in the US and the UK, from the same brands and in the supermarkets, to discover if the so-called 8% official inflation is reflected in reality.

Instead, I discovered something much more shocking: multiple food items already surpassed 50% of annualized inflation.

“What to do then?” was one of the questions I received.

How to escape the nearly unavoidable spiral of inflation that (as I explained here) is still far from the end?

How do you escape the economic death trap that can ruin the savings of a lifetime in a matter of years, if not months?

I sought advice from people who had lived through some of the most severe and explosive inflationary cycles of the twentieth century, in countries such as Brazil, Poland, South Africa, and Turkey.

My intention with this article is not to “write and forget.” I’ll be constantly updating it with new insights, practical tips, and pieces of advice from others. To receive them in your inbox, subscribe to my

