The Chinese Banking Bankruptcy Could Trigger the Mother of All Crises

An economic tsunami coming from the East could wipe out the plans of future generations.

Levi Borba


Henan, China
Photo by Lan Yao for Pexels

This is the first time in 2 years and over 200 articles that I am considering if I should keep writing this article or if I should hit the “publish” button after finishing it, or not.

I know that if instead of publishing this article here on Medium, I uploaded it as a video on my Youtube channel, The Expat, I would be immediately punished by Youtube. Some other channels have already suffered a similar fate or warned about the risks of vocalizing certain subjects about China.

So here is the first disclaimer: this is not a political article. I am not criticizing the Chinese government but just stating facts about the economic crisis.

I am also not implying that in the West, our authorities are more competent in economic matters. In fact, I just wrote about how western governments are throwing gasoline at the inflationary fire.

This article is about a (still) local crisis that may contribute to the current inflationary cataclysm and make the mother of all crises even worse than it already is.

So, what happened in China?



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